Long-expected anniversary exhibition AGROPRODMASH 2015 took place from October, 5 till October, 9. It is one of the most prosperous and most essential exhibitions in Russia. Thousands of visitors from different countries, hundreds of interesting meetings and dozens of concluded contracts.
The first day exhibition was visited by representatives of Russian Government and Federal Assembly. During the opening ceremony main guidelines for action in the sphere of agricultural sector were voiced. Also speakers told about the process of import substitution.
This year russian manufacturer AMATA SCALE took part in the AGROPRODMASH exhibition for the first time.
Our Sales Director Darius Navickas mentioned:
In spite of our brand’s youth, we had time to design a great amount of different multihead weighers, that can work with various products: macaroni, cereals, snacks, confectionery and frozen foods. Our products are asked-for among food producers, both domestic and foreign. We know that because of the number of people on our stand. And all these people are really interested in russian equipment.
We presented our new products.
First of all it is multihead weigher AMATA-210-BR for long and thin products, for example bread sticks. This multihead weigher is one of the unique weighers on the Russian market. It can form accurate product bundles.
Also we presented our multihead weigher AMATA-210-SR for sticky products, such as dried fruits, chewing jellies, chilled meat etc. This weigher is provided with screws that have special shape to move sticky products from receiving cone to pool hoppers with care.
And finally our new check weigher AMATA-CW-BOX, that is designed for cardboard boxes.
All AMATA equipment work on russian software that was specially developed by our programmers. Our software has no analogues, it is our own product.
Our Development Manager Anastasiya Nevolina:
Multihead weighers АМАТА are manufactured in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, where are situated all our subdivisions: construction department, assembly shop, control systems department and maintenance department. In consideration of the government program of import substitution we aspire to be competitive with foreign equipment.
If you didn’t manage to visit our stand you are always welcome to get professional advice over the phone +7 (812) 320-42-01 or fill the form at our web-site www.amatascl.com.